Klee is the Spark Knight of the Knights of Favonius, with a pyro vision and bombs galore. Her attacks comprise close-ranged bombs, charged attacks, and a mid-ranged elemental burst. Klee is a main DPS, with most of her damage coming from when she is on the field. Her only source of damage when she is off of the field is her mines, left behind after her elemental skill is used.
Klee’s best 5-star weapon is Lost Prayer To The Sacred Winds, which boosts her elemental damage and crit rate while having a high base attack. Skyward Atlas is a good secondary choice, with a high attack boost though it does not have as good of crit rate stats. Both weapons are hard to get, and there are other weapons that work pretty well for her.
For 4-star weapons, Solar Pearl, The Widsith, and Dodoco Tales are the best for her. Solar Pearl boosts crit rate and elemental damage, The Widsith boosts attack, elemental damage, or elemental mastery based on which “theme song” plays when Klee enters the field, and Dodoco Tales boosts attack and charged attack damage. These weapons work, though they lack the high base attack the 5-star catalysts do.
For 3-star weapons, the best option for Klee is the Twin Nephrite. With nothing else, it is pretty solid with its crit rate buff and damage buff. They are of course small buffs, but it works when there’s nothing else. Almost any 4-star option is better though.
For artifacts, there is no set better than the Crimson Witch of Flames set, which boosts pyro damage and pyro reaction damage. Using the 4-piece set gives the best results. With artifact stats, a standard pyro DPS build will work wonders, so focusing on crit rate and crit damage is best. A pyro damage goblet is also needed and recommended to be run off-set. For the timepiece, ATK % will give the most damage, and for the hat, either crit rate or crit damage works best depending on what stat Klee has less of. Keep in mind that although a good ratio for crit rate to crit damage is 1:2, crit rate is always a good thing.
For the exact information on the artifact set, check in-game at the Hidden Palace of Zhou Formula domain, and exact stats for max-level weapons can be found below.
