Mobius is a ranged lightning damage dealer, whose damage comes from her combo attacks and ultimate, combined with ultimate evasion when available. Her signature weapon Basilisk’s Image is her best-in-slot, buffing lightning damage and creating a field that deals Lightning DMG and makes enemies take more lighting damage. Basilisk’s Image is only available on Mobius’s gear banner along with the stigmata Linnaeus T, M, and B. Luckily, there are free-to-play options, although they are not recommended.
Players who are planning to pull for Mobius or already have her should save crystals for her gear banner, since free gear on her is not as good as the free gear on other valkyries, especially with her weapon. Players who missed the banner need something for her though, and the best option would be Silver Reaper since it is the only other cross that can help boost her damage output, creating a field that weakens enemies while buffing damage against weakened enemies. Players can forge the Silver Reaper for 150 AE Imaginons.
The difference between Basilisk’s Image and Silver Reaper is massive, and players’ DPS output will be much worse with Silver Reaper, which is why it is recommended to pull for Mobius gear if players have the crystals. Mobius is one of the best damage deals to date, and will probably keep that title for some time, so investing in her gear is not necessarily a bad thing. Basilisk’s Image also has a PRI-ARM counterpart for level 81 players, making Silver Reaper do even less damage in comparison. Although it can be run, and work decently, it is heavily advised against.
If players insist on running a free-to-play build, they will still need a weapon to use while they grind for the Silver Reaper. Lighting Angel is the best option here, creating a field that does extra lighting damage and inflicts paralyze trauma. It’s much worse compared to the two weapons above, but it works as an extremely temporary weapon choice.
For more information on the weapons mentioned above, check the details based on the instructions below.
Click on Ai-chan phone on the bottom right

Click on “Collection” in the top left of the phone

Click on “Weapons” in the top left of the stamps

Click on “Cross” on the left side
