Herrscher of Thunder is a lightning damage dealer whose primary source of damage is her charged attacks and ultimate. Her signature weapon, Key of Castigation, synergizes best with her kit, boosting her herrscher charge and lightning damage while inflicting marks that deal extra lightning damage and inflict paralyze trauma. The problem is, it is only available in the gacha, making a free-to-play option more necessary in case RNGsus decides he will not give players the weapon. The MagStorm is a great free-to-play alternative, as it still passively boosts lightning damage and has a weapon active that inflicts more paralyze trauma. Both Key of Castigation and MagStorm can unlock a better PRI-ARM version of themselves, being Domain of Sanction and MAG-Typhoon, respectively. This not only makes MagStorm more powerful in the long run but means players may not even need to pull unless they want to invest a lot into Herrscher of Thunder and make her a decent free-to-play valkyrie. To forge the MagStorm, players need to forge the MagStorm Spirit, which will cost:
190 Phantom Purple Crystalyte
80 Honkai Cubes
400 Ether Fuel
To forge the full MagStorm, players will need an additional 150 AE Imaginons and 300 Ether Fuel. Using Invite of Mirage and Time Swirl Pass tickets efficiently will reduce the amount of grinding it takes to get the weapon. Keep in mind that grinding for the MagStorm may take some time and patience.
Once captains reach level 81, the ability to forge either the Domain of Sanction or the MAG-Typhoon is unlocked, and depending on if players pulled Key of Castigation, players may or may not be able to make Domain of Sanction. This makes MagStorm a good choice to forge. Each weapon further boosts its lesser counterpart’s damage output and removes SP cost on their weapon actives. Forging either of these weapons will cost:
Any level 50 weapon
100 Einsteins Torus
50 SC Metal-H2
15 Nanoceramics
250,000 Coins
Players can find the stats for the weapons by following the instructions below:
Open the phone in the bottom right corner
Click on “Collection”
Click on “Weapons”
Click on "Blade" on the left side