Palatinus Equinox is an IMG lance-wielding Physical DPS whose kit is pretty stacked and revolves around a variety of attacks. Her combo attack swaps from Knight mode, which has her on a horse and focuses on charged attacks, to Guardian mode, which focuses on shield bashing and a ground slam, her charged attack in the latter mode. She is currently the top Physical DPS, but relies heavily on her signature weapon, Midnight Eclipse, and its PRI-ARM counterpart, Midnight Ataegina. While those weapons are her best-in-slot, they are gacha-only, so they can be harder to get. Luckily, Physical DMG dealers have some pretty good foundry options for lances.
Abyss is the best foundry weapon for Palatinus Equinox, boosting outgoing total DMG and crit rate. Its weapon active triggers the standard thrust and throw attacks, but increases the Physical DMG thrown enemies take. This weapon is also a divine key, giving it extra damage output in co-op, as well as healing for the user. This weapon costs:
250 Twilit Grey Crystalyte
200 Spatial Lenses
1200 Ether Fuel
Abyss will take a lot of time to grind for, and Endothermic Lance VF is the best weapon to use while grinding for it. Endothermic Lance VF increases outgoing total damage, but that’s all it does outside of the basic throw/thrust attacks with its weapon skill. It also has lower base stats than the Abyss, making it a much worse weapon in comparison, but it works until players forge the Abyss. The Endothermic Lance VF costs 150 AE Imaginons to forge.
Plasma Lance is the only 3* lance, making it the only other weapon to use while getting the materials to unlock either the Endothermic Lance VF or the Abyss. It’s a basic weapon, with no passive skills, the normal weapon active, and low base stats, but it works better than the 2* lance. The Plasma Lance costs 100 Honkai Cubes to forge.
Overall, while the free lance weapons aren’t the worst, they pale compared to Palatinus Equinox’s signature weapons, and players should pull her weapon if they plan on using her. If they cannot get her weapon, and her banner goes away, then they can look into the options above.
Instructions on how to see the stats for all the weapons above are listed below:
Open the phone in the bottom right corner

Click on “Collection”

Click on “Weapons”

Click on “Lance”
